What is Nmap?
Nmap is the abbreviation for Network Mapper. Nmap is an open source programme released under the General Public License. The tool helps network administrators and security researchers to discover, monitor, and troubleshoot TCP/IP systems. It is a Network Scanning Utility created by Gordon "Fyodor" Lyon
and is actively managed by a community of volunteers.
Nmap Installation On Windows
1. Download windows version of Nmap from www.nmap.org
2. Open the installer program and don't change any default values. The setup will install all the recommended utilities on your computer.
Nmap for Windows |
3, During installation, a helper program called Npcap will also be installed. Npcap is required for Nmap to function properly on the Windows platform so do not skip
this step.
Npcap for Windows |
4. After the Npcap installation has completed you are given the option to configure
its service settings. The default options will enable the Npcap service to start
when Windows boots. This is recommended as Nmap will not function correctly
when the Npcap service is not running.
5. To verify the installation process, open Windows Command Prompt and type the following command :
nmap scanme.insecure.org
Nmap Win Command Prompt |